Musings on Marriage

Month: December 2015


Dear Daughters,

Last night we hosted a sing-along at our home. We invited people to simply come and join us in sharing some Christmas music.  We had local friends, dark-skinned and light, with their guitar and ukulele, a few relatives, our neighbors down the lane – about 20 in all – a good variety of old friends and new.  Grandma and I have been practicing for weeks our Christmas songs on the piano.  Sometimes Grandma morphs from Go, Tell it On the Mountain into Jesus Loves the Little Children; other times she plays the verse of one song flowing seamlessly into the chorus of another, but most of the time is able to end on the same song she started. Snowtree

There were no gifts given except that of sharing music together. After we caroled many Christmas songs, Susan and her friends taught us a new song:

Nothing behind, nothing before, the steps of faith,

Fall on the seeming void, and find The Rock beneath.

We listened to our friends sing the song then joined along with them. After that we sang it as a 3-part round.  It was beautiful as we all sang our parts, hearing the lovely harmony weaving in and out.  Next Susan asked us if we had any stories of our walks of faith that we were willing to share with the group.  We heard some stories of people coming to Idaho from New York, New Zealand, Michigan, California, Arizona, the Netherlands – all of us stepping out in faith, going where God had called us to go.  All of us had journeyed many miles, sometimes not knowing what lay before us, but simply being obedient to God’s call on our lives. Window

I knew the stories of many of these people and the suffering they have endured. Yet here we were, singing with joy on our faces and in our hearts, thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ and the Rock he has been in all of our lives.

It’s interesting that the people who have been through hard things in life often seem to be the most joyful. I had heard the quote by Richard Nixon:

Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain,

and I have found that it’s true. Of course you have to pin that beast of bitterness and ingratitude to the floor, give thanks and fight for joy, it doesn’t just fall on you.  There are those who have suffered and choose to stay in that prison of bondage.  But the good news that Jesus brought to us thousands of years ago is that there is freedom – freedom from hurt, abuse, neglect, and broken hearts. Joy2

My friend, Marcia, posted the following prayer a while back and I think it’s profoundly beautiful. It’s not your typical prayer of blessing, but a prayer that comes from knowing real blessings can only come through hardship, adversity and the perseverance that results.

I pray this prayer for each of you, my daughters, because I know this is a prayer that God will answer in a most creative way for each of you. I am certain He will answer in His exquisite wisdom and timing.

A Franciscan Benediction

May God bless us with discomfort

At easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships

So that we may live from deep within our hearts.

May God bless us with anger

At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of God’s creations

So that we may work for justice, freedom, and peace.

May God bless us with tears

To shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger, and war,

So that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and

To turn their pain into joy.

And may God bless us with just enough foolishness

To believe that we can make a difference in the world,

So that we can do what others claim cannot be done:

To bring justice and kindness to all our children and all our neighbors who are poor.


Even though we will be far from all of you this Christmas, you are closer than ever in my heart, mind and soul. I will miss you and your families greatly, but know that God will bless you now and in the years to come…until we meet again.

Love, MomSnow (2)

Family Trees


Dear Daughters,

            As you know, we have relatives of whom we are proud and those we would rather keep hidden.  Amazingly, Jesus had the same type of family tree except that he wasn’t ashamed of them.  I find it fascinating that before the birth of Jesus is ever mentioned in the book of Matthew, we find a rather lengthy, boring to most, genealogy.  God’s history with His people has always been one of openness.  There have never been any secrets with Him

In a classic Jewish genealogy women were not included, they were not deemed important enough.  Remarkably in Jesus’ there were four women included.  Not your good, upright and noble women, but women of shame.  He was not consumed with the purity of His pedigree, but in the extreme value of every person on that list.  There was Tamar, who disguised herself as a prostitute to trick her father-in-law into sleeping with her as a way of seeking justice from him, Rahab a prostitute from Jericho, Ruth, a foreigner, and Mary with an unplanned pregnancy.Barn

In Jesus’ lifetime a person’s genealogy was similar to our resumes today.  It gave a person validation, credentials.  As in any resume, we all tend to expand on our best accomplishments and omit our worst failures.  The ancients would typically feature ancestors who would hold them in high esteem, but leave out those of whom they were ashamed.  Herod the Great, a King of long ago, destroyed his genealogy because he found it too embarrassing.  But Jesus included these women in His because in God’s eyes there are no little people, no one who is below the grace of God, no one of whom to be ashamed.

Today I was looking through the homemade book My Life written by your great-grandma Vandermeer.  It is a weighty book of genealogy that she spent decades compiling.  The cover is thick heavy leather which she personally handcrafted.  I still remember all her leather tools in a wooden box, watching her design the intricate artwork.Mylife

I must admit that it was both interesting and embarrassing to read a bit of my heritage.  In our long ago family there were pioneers who came to the West in wagon trains, a prince, a woman who poisoned her husband at lunch, a poet, alcoholics, a missionary, a Singer Sewing Machine salesman, those who committed suicide – basically the typical menagerie that every family inherits.Greatestgift

The coming of Christ was right through families of messed-up monarchs and battling brothers, through affairs and adultery and more than a feud or two, through skeletons in closets and cheaters at tables.  It was in that time of prophets and kings, the time of Mary and Joseph, that men were in genealogies and women were invisible.  But for Jesus, women had names and stories and lives that mattered.

             ~ Ann Voskamp


The family tree of Jesus includes women who felt like outsiders, women who had been hopeless, who felt invisible and forgotten, women who had been close to giving up on life, those who were unappreciated and dismissed.  You know of anyone who’s ever felt like that?

I remember when I was 16 and first driving by myself, wondering if cars would see me because I often felt invisible.  At times I would be amazed that people would wait for me to make a turn before they drove on.  I know that sounds silly, but that was a time in my life that I did not feel important or even visible.  I imagine the fact that I was tall, skinny and awkward, plenty of zits, braces and shy had something to do with it.

The centuries seem not to have changed much for women.  Today many of us feel the same, our society lauding women more for their bodies and outward beauty than their hearts and those deep desires within.

Last month Christie Hefner was honored by the YWCA with the outstanding leader Trailblazer’s Award.  Somehow I found it interesting that she would receive such a prestigious award when most of her life has been promoting the beauty of other women’s naked bodies, seemingly not so concerned with the value of the hopes and dreams of their hearts.

Jesus attracted prostitutes, but not to use them.  He saw their longing to be known and loved for who they were, not for what they looked like.  He valued them, gave them hope, forgiveness and a restored life.

Tamar and Rahab had both been used by men over many years.  Tamar, who had been lied to and tricked by her father-in-law decided to take justice in her own hands and was able to convict him for his wrong.  Rahab, living in a godless place with a godless past, believed in the God of the Jews around her and eventually became the Great-grandmother of the great King David.Bouquet (2)

Other women mentioned in Jesus’ lineage were humble women, those who lived their lives doing the tedious things.  In the middle of this boring genealogy we have wonderful stories of God’s grace breaking into shamed women.  Ruth, a woman whose husband had died, decided to help out her mother-in-law, who had also lost her husband.  She gleaned in the fields of wheat and was noticed by the richest guy in town, who just happened to marry her.  She became King David’s grandmother.

Mary, the mother of Jesus was also considered boring by today’s standards, doing the humble things in life that a typical Jewish teenager did – cook meals, wash the laundry, care for younger children, clean house – until the day an angel came to her, saying that she would become the mother of the Messiah.  Now this sounds quite exciting until you think of what the village people might have said.  “Sure, the Holy Spirit made you pregnant?  Really?  You think we’re going to believe that, you whore.  You know what happens to girls who get pregnant when they’re not married.”  Mary was shamed, her life totally disrupted as she was going about her predictable life.Nativity

God disrupts our lives as well.  We may have a plan, but God’s is usually different – and always better.  We all play an important part of a much larger story.  Tamar, Ruth, Rahab, and Mary were all outcasts at one time or another, rejected, ridiculed, used, and seemingly forgotten.  But God in His amazing mercy brought each of these women into an important part of His Story.  He is a specialist at rewarding the humble, raising up the rejected.

Jesus is delighted when each of us does our job faithfully, carefully and humbly.  Every repetitive task we perform with gratitude to God is accepted as an offering, an honoring of our Savior.  Every diaper we change, each question we answer with kindness, the clients we treat with respect, each meal we prepare, every word of encouragement we speak reflects the love of Jesus.

When we love our husbands, God is pleased.  When we forgive and persevere when we would rather leave, God is pleased.  He loves faithfulness and will reward it in His time.  When we read all the stories of how God loves women, we know that His love for us is the same.  Our small stories of humble lives are being worked into His grand story and one day we shall see the whole story and marvel.Fallflowers

Lean on Him.  Trust Him.

Love, Mom






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