Musings on Marriage

Tag: Mind

My Past ≠ My Future

Dear Daughters,

Back in my younger days I was shy, insecure, quiet and always remembered Abraham Lincoln’s quote:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool,

than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Because I did not want to remove all doubt, I remained silent.  I figured my thoughts were not important since there were so many other people talking – words, words were everywhere and I thought no additional words of mine were necessary.  I rather enjoyed listening to people’s stories – sad, funny, weird and sometimes profound.

 When I was in the third grade my teacher, Miss Vanyo, wrote on my report card:

Shari is an excellent follower, but will never be a leader.

I believed that statement for many years, so I looked for leaders I admired and followed them. 

Then in my late teens, I found that I loved teaching children how to play the piano, direct choirs and any other thing having to do with music.  One day it dawned on me that I was a leader, and I absolutely loved it.  I didn’t need to live in the past, taking Miss Vanyo’s or Abe’s words as truth.  My greatest gift and joy was leading, and when I discovered the voices of my past were not true, I was set free. 

I have a friend who is an amazing woman.  Theresa walks in confidence, teaches others how much Jesus loves them, how to live life abundantly, and she herself lives life with exuberant joy.  She has encouraged and counseled me, modeling the life of a true follower of Jesus.   

It wasn’t until I knew her for several years that I learned about her childhood and the horrendous abuse she suffered.  I was astounded when she told me stories about how her parents treated her for years, and I genuinely wondered how she could live a life of joy after enduring such an oppressive childhood. 

Of course, she had to go through a time of grieving all that happened to her during her growing up years, she had to forgive and depend on Jesus and His strength to let go of the past.  She fought the raging battle in her mind between her parents’ words and the Word of God.  After hearing derogatory comments about herself for most of her life, it was not easy going forward. But after learning she had been fed lies, she eagerly started speaking the truth about what God thinks of her: She is chosen, she is loved, the Holy Spirit has given her everything she needs to go and share the Good News with others who struggle with their past.

Remember the Israelites from thousands of years ago, who had to wander around the desert for 40 years – a journey that should have taken only 11 days?  And why was that?  It’s something Joyce Meyer calls Wilderness Mentalities, in her book Battlefield of the Mind. She has studied the Exodus Story and has come up with seven of these Mentalities.

Wilderness Mentality #1

My future is determined by my past and my present.

All the Israelites had ever known was bondage in Egypt.  They had no positive vision for their lives.  They only knew their history as slaves, living under harsh taskmasters, and could not fathom their lives being any different.  The same is true for us.  We know where we have been in our lives, the annoyances, the playback of past hurts, dashed dreams of the ideals we had for marriage.  Our adversary often feeds us the lie

Your life will always be like this, nothing will ever change, don’t even try.

Anyway, back to the Israelites who grumbled and deplored their situation, accusing Moses and Aaron for their circumstances.  The Israelites got free food falling from the sky every morning, their clothes and shoes never wore out, they constantly saw the cloud above leading them throughout the desert, yet still they complained.  They were never thankful for how God miraculously provided – nothing was ever good enough, negative words all the time.  They simply did not trust that God loved them enough to take care of them.  It sounds all too familiar, so similar to our grumblings today.  But instead of the believing the lie

Your life will always be like this, nothing will ever change, don’t even try,

Joyce encourages us to renew our minds and believe,

With God all things are possible. (Luke 18:27)

Asking for your life or marriage to flourish without God is like asking a rose to bloom without sunshine and water.  Yes, we all lose heart in our lives now and then; it’s a battle to keep on loving, keep on forgiving.  I remember several times just wanting to fly away, give up, call it quits.  But instead, I made another meal, washed another load of clothes, prayed, asked the Holy Spirit for strength to love people when I could not.

Memories are hard to forget, especially memories of how people have offended you, embarrassed you, hurt you.  Both you and I have been hurt by many people, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up on loving others.  What has happened in our lives previously does not reflect what will happen in the future.  It’s not too late and it isn’t too hard because with God all things are possible.  He makes all things new if we simply allow Him to work through us. 

You may think that you are too set in your ways to change and maintain good relationships, but remember – the only one you are responsible to change is yourself.  Life is not necessarily about your happiness, but about you becoming more like Jesus.  Then He will do the unexpected, as you trust Him for those quiet miracles.

Love, Mom

21-Day Brain Detox

Dear Daughters,

How often do toxic thoughts appear in your mind?  Do they seem to pop up more than you like?  Are you sometimes appalled at what goes through your mind?  Yeah, me too.

Back in September, my friend Christine called and excitedly asked if I had heard about the 21-Day Brain Detox.  Blandly I replied, You mean a food detox?  I’ve read about many detoxifications of the body, have actually tried a few myself and was not particularly keen on another one. But she said, No, it’s a thought detox of the brain.

This made me a bit more interested, so Christine briefly outlined the Detox, suggested some YouTube videos to watch, was eager to know my opinion of the whole deal, then said good-bye.

So I watched a few videos.  Dr. Caroline Leaf is an amazing woman, a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in communication pathology, specializing in neuropsychology.  I could write a few more paragraphs with many long words about her studies, degrees, and work with thousands of people in her native country of South Africa and all over the world – but suffice it to say she has studied, done her homework well, and in turn has taught thousands to detox their brains.

The bottom line of her teaching is this: because God created our brain with neuroplasticity (the ability to change) it is a scientific fact that we can train our mind to think differently than it does now.

We have wired many thoughts into our brains during our lifetimes, some good thoughts, other thoughts which are dangerously toxic. And what has been wired in can be wired out.

Dr. Leaf teaches people how to destroy toxic thoughts and replace them with good healthy thoughts.  She is amazed at how Science has finally caught up with the Bible.

As Paul wrote many years ago in his letter to the Romans:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…

Dr. Leaf, according to recent research, explains that the mind (our thoughts for which we are responsible) can actually change the way our brain (the grey matter) functions.

Anyway, I decided to sign up for the 21-Day Detox.  Dr. Leaf has a 2-3 minute coaching video for each day, plus online instructions and plenty of encouragement.  The first few days were quite exciting, having this newfound knowledge to clean up my thought life.  Then, as with any determination to change a lifestyle, things got a little harder. Thankfully our thoughts are not written in a little bubble above our heads as they are in cartoon strips. I am grateful we aren’t put into jail on the basis of what we think.

If we are honest I think we can agree we have all had thoughts like:

I’m so afraid and fearful about.

I think I’d rather have him for a husband

I hate my body

If only….

I am such a loser

My life is so boring

I can never get it right

Nothing will ever change

God doesn’t really love me, I feel like He’s forgotten me

If I were God, I would have done things a lot differently

My life is such a waste

God doesn’t even hear me

I wish she (or he) were dead

I just want to die

It doesn’t matter how good we look on the outside, we all grapple with tenacious toxic thoughts.

Our minds are such an amazing part of our bodies, so complex, fearfully and wonderfully made.  And as you may have experienced, the mind is a battlefield, as Joyce Meyer so wisely states.  Every moment of every day we are deluged with thoughts from all around and within us.  Thoughts from events that happened today, yesterday, years and even decades ago.

Every murder, every affair begins with a fleeting toxic thought.  Some thoughts come from our Enemy, some from our own ungrateful hearts, others are suggested by people and the media around us.

I find it curious that researchers at Stanford are in the midst of performing multiple forensic analyses of  Stephen Haddock’s (the Las Vegas shooter) brain.  They are hoping to find a disease or tumor of some kind which would point to the reason why he killed 59 and injured over 500 concertgoers on October 1 last year.

Anyway, Dr. Leaf instructs her readers how to be still and deliberately listen to the thoughts that filter through our minds.  To  my surprise I had more toxic thoughts than I care to mention.  I truly thought I had dealt with disappointments and offenses from the past, but the Holy Spirit was quite gracious to show me I have not.

Dr. Leaf teaches and gives ideas of how to replace toxic thoughts with the Word of God.

When we are fearful:

For God did not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.                 2 Timothy 1:7

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?  Psalm 118:6

When I am afraid I will trust in You… Psalm 56:3

When we think nothing will ever change:

Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?  Isaiah 43:18-19

When we think we have been forgotten by God:

I am with you always, even to the end of the age.  Matthew 28:20

When we are anxious:

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7

When we carry around guilt from sin of the past:

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9

Because many of our toxic thoughts did not just arrive yesterday we cannot expect them to leave immediately and without a fight.  To be aware of and battle the toxic thoughts in our minds takes work – and this battle is not for the faint of heart.

Obviously, God thinks it’s possible to renew and change our minds; Dr. Leaf is simply agreeing with Him.  But she always encourages us to deal with only one toxic thought at a time because it would be too overwhelming to battle them all at once.

I have many more toxic thoughts than I had imagined, but the root of them all is that I struggle with the fact that God is good, that He loves me. That I can trust Him with everything that has happened in my life.  It’s the same lie Eve believed in the Garden.  Satan tempted her with the single thought – Is God really good? Did He really say?  Maybe you should make your own choices and do it your way…

To be sure, this 21-day detox is not simply behavior modification, but is getting at the root of our behavior – which is our sinful, toxic thoughts.  Five years ago, I read Joyce Meyer’s Battlefield of the Mind and this detox actually builds upon that book, yet in a more disciplined, intentional 15-minutes-a-day manner.

I am determined to win this battle for my mind, but after three months I perceive it will become a lifestyle for the rest of my days.  The battle is fierce, but the rewards are many – a mind that is free.

Love, Mom






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