Musings on Marriage

Tag: Wisdom

Mold and Lies

I was pondering mold the other day – it and I do not have a good working relationship.  It’s a nasty fungus that grows in the dark and has been harboring in my body for years.  I am becoming quite the expert on mold, not by choice but by necessity.  Even though it’s been hiding inside of me for decades it has finally been brought out into the light and deposed. 

For years I have treated my body well, feeding it good nutritious food and vitamins yet I was always fatigued and could rarely sleep without medication.  I’ve been to countless doctors, both mainstream medical, homeopathic, osteopathic; I have tried naturopathic docs, chiropractors, acupuncture and sleep specialists.  Numerous times I would hear the phrase,

You are a most unusual case…

 Concurrently with all this I had prayed for myself, for wisdom in finding help.  I was prayed over by other people but nothing seemed to help my body regain energy.

Until… through a series of seemingly random events I discovered that my body was harboring molds – many strains of the toxic stuff:  Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin A, Gliotoxin along with many other nasty toxins.  Finding a doctor with the knowledge of removing mold from the body was a challenge yet I was led to a detoxification specialist living in the neighboring country of Canada, not far from my home in Michigan – Zoom calls are an amazing invention.

Then I got thinking about the similarities between the darkness of mold lurking in my body and the darkness of lies lurking in our minds – lies about ourselves, others and God.  Mold in our body and lies in our mind can often mimic each other.

Many lies are fed to us through unsuspecting people.  They come to us from our parents, our siblings, our enemies, our teachers and ourselves.  Some of them may be:

I’m too much to handle

I’m a loser

I’m not enough

I’m just a burden to my people

No one likes me (especially if they really know me)

God is disappointed in me

All I deserve are the crumbs and the leftovers

When those lies come to find a home in our mind, they play on repeat – over and over until they have carved a rut in our thoughts.  When the lies we believe become louder and louder, they can sap our energy because they make us feel like we are in captivity, sitting in prison with the door locked.  But, amazingly,  the door can be opened simply by replacing those lies with the truth of who God says you are.

I am chosen

I am a treasured possession

I am fearfully and wonderfully made

I am the apple of God’s eye

God loves me!

Even if I fall, God will raise me up again

I am redeemed

I am forgiven

If our self talk is anything less than what

Jesus says about us, we have misunderstood the Cross.

Rebecca Richardson

Lies we believe in our mind can be just as debilitating as mold in our bodies.  Ask me how I know, I’ve experienced both.  Many years ago I learned to detox my mind by believing who Christ says I am.  It was not an overnight renewal, but slowly and surely I was able to believe and live as if God really sees me as his treasured possession. Now – since I’ve discovered my body’s enemy – I am going through yet another detox. 

This detox takes time and patience – it is not instantaneous. I’ve been told it will take up to 18 months to clean out all those toxins. But my energy is back, I’m sleeping better than I have in years and I am able to walk and be off the couch, instead of the 4 to 5 hours a day I used to spend resting.

Thanks be to God for his amazing gift of healing on so many levels!   


Zig Zag Lives

Dear Daughters,

My favorite subject as a sophomore in high school was geometry.  One of the basic axioms I learned was the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and it is indeed true – in geometry. 

But as you may have noticed in life, we don’t travel from Point A (birth) to Point B(death) in a straight-up-the-mountain line.  There are high points, low points and lots of zig-zags around the in-between points.

Since Dad and I have been married we have moved 12 times within four states -that’s a lot of zigging and zagging geographically.  Some people seem to be able to learn the things God has prepared for them while living in the same house, others of us need to go from place to place, learning the important lessons of life.

I used to think about the Israelites wandering from place to place in the wilderness for 40 years and thought that’s a really inefficient way for God to get His people from here to there.  They could have traveled the distance in 11 days, but it took them 40 years, crisscrossing the desert.  But after reading about all their grumbling, complaining and general discontent with everything going on in their lives- even in the midst of free food and clothes that never wore out – I began to understand I was much like them. 

In my earlier years, I would often complain how things in my life were not going as I would have liked.  Moving here, moving there, meeting friends only to leave and start over again. I was lonely, didn’t have a long-term friend, and my potential was not being fulfilled… or so I thought.

I used to pray, asking God to change my circumstances so I could have a peaceful life.  If I was ever in a place remotely resembling a wilderness (when people wouldn’t do what I thought they should) I would try quickly to change them or conditions around me to suit my preferences.

Thank God that during my wilderness years I have learned that I am the only person I can change.  Finally, my prayer is not to avoid or escape the hard times but to trust Him, knowing that because He loves me He has promised to walk with me through every hardship.

Of course, we have to understand that the number one goal of God as he works in our lives is molding and shaping us to be like Him.  Specifically, He is making us more patient and kind, less boastful and proud, more joyful and long-suffering, less selfish and impatient.  Character, to God, is much more important than money, prestige and fame – which of course is completely upside down to what our culture teaches us.

And what does He use to cause these qualities to appear in us?  Hard times of isolation and stress.  In tough times – instead of running from them – it’s best to press into God, lean on Him and trust Him to lead through and beyond to the other side.

In God’s economy, a zigzag line is the shortest distance between two points. 

 Bill Lawrence

God has each of us in a unique place, at just the right moment of time, and in the exact family that is best for us.  Of course it’s hard, everywhere is hard, but we were not put on this earth simply to have a joy fest. 

The definition of a contented man is he who enjoys the scenery along the detour.

Kim Baar

I was walking outside the other day enjoying the beautiful sunshine when I heard some whirring wings above my head.  I looked up and saw a large flock of starlings.  These birds were doing acrobatics as if they had trained and practiced for months.  They would swoop straight up vertically for a short time then perform a circular pattern and immediately straighten out and fly as if on a racetrack.  Then just as I thought they would continue out of sight they swooped down for a bit and returned toward me as if they were performing an intricately choreographed routine simply for my pleasure. 

How did each one of those tiny birds know when the group was going to do their maneuvers?  I just stood there amazed as I watched them perform for me, then as they finally flew away to give someone else a fascinating show. 

When I consider the remarkable wisdom and creativity of God to gift small, seemingly insignificant birds with the ability to fly such intricate drills, I marvel.  Then I think, if Jesus choreographs their lives and flight patterns so perfectly I can rest assured that He is doing the same for me and you –  zig zags and all.

Love, Mom

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